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Kids Embrace WA Footy Education OverseasMonday, November 27, 2023 - 3:21 PM

The West Australian Football Commission has expanded its grassroots football education staging school clinics at Christmas Island and Cocos Keeling Islands last month.

Summer Mollross, WAFC Game Development Officer, led the clinics which spanned three days.

The after-school clinic on Christmas Island on October 16 was held at the Cricket and Sporting Club with about 35 kids attending, and they were joined by parents and half a dozen volunteers. 

Mollross had two after-school clinics on Cocos Keeling Islands, one on Home Island on the 25th of October and one on West Island the following day.

Mollross was impressed with the enthusiasm for our great game.

“On Christmas Island, many kids and parents are very eager for Aussie Rules to become a sporting outlet on the Island,” she said.

“There is some great talent on both Christmas Island and Cocos Keeling Island, and they all wanted to learn as much as possible.”

“I could see Christmas Island having the ability to start up an Aussie Rules program, but the task for Cocos Island is difficult because the population isn’t big enough, so these clinics are the best option for now.” 

Mollross believes there’s scope to return to the region and provide more education.

“It would be an absolute honour to be able to go back and continue doing clinics on both Christmas Island and Cocos Keeling Island,” she said.

“The kids were amazing, kind, polite and very enthusiastic.”

“The parents and teachers were exceptional, and I felt so welcomed everywhere and by everyone I taught.” 

The aim of the initiative was to engage with local communities on the islands, and kin collaboration with DLGSC, reach out to a wide range of people who live on the islands.